|| S U N L I G H T F I L T E R S T H R O U G H T H E B A C K S O F O U R E Y E L I D S ||

A collection for diaspora friends and together we danced to the symphony of nostalgia, cultural spirit, and homecoming

17_ Red Thread.jpg
20_Joint Pojagi Ensemble.jpg

|| C O N C E P T ||


|| S K E T C H B O O K ||


|| P R O C E S S ||

make wings.jpg

Assembling wings inspired by traditional Korean children’s jackets with colorful striped sleeves representing harmony and prosperity. Also referenced Japanese children’s costume of the mythical bird, Karyōbinga, an immortal creature from the Buddhist paradise. Applied these silhouettes and significance to my own apparel works to, in essence, transform the generational daughter into a voyageur. To bestow her the ability of flight in journeying to find home, whether that be the small town she grew up in or the country where her ancestors were laid to rest.


translating paper origami into structural sculpture apparel


Multi-dimensionality means that the most interesting parts of my garments aren’t in the front. The little details I embed throughout the garments reference the precious moments in our lives that were once looked over. When you see someone you love from a different perspective and suddenly realize how many more gray hairs she has than before. How in the past the phrase “have you eaten yet” was thought to be nagging but now you’ve come to realize it actually means “I miss you”.


Researching traditional Japanese fisherman’s jackets to learn about engineering using only flat rectangular planes, thus reducing fabric waste.


|| C O L L E C T I O N A T N Y F W 2 0 1 8 ||